Is Totally Wicked taking on the UK forums?

I have read about a situation that, for lack of a better word, ‘Erupted’ when, a Uk vaping forum community, temporarily closed its does.  It closed due to a notice of possible legal action from Totally Wicked’s owner, Jason Cropper.  I’ve tried to sort out this story for a while.  Is it Jason vs. Goliath?  Is Jason Cropper picking a fight with the entire UK vaping community?  What’s going on??

This doesn’t seem to be the case.  It seems at some point, Jason was on the UK Vapors forum and was in a ‘debate’ with a few forum members and it got ugly.  The original argument stemmed from a video Jason posted on YouTube about the Thursday incident that closed down a major highway in the UK involving an Ecig.  Jason posted a YouTube video making fun of the incident, maybe not the best move in the hyper fear era we are in, but it got some negative personal remarks.  Then there is the issue with a certain Admin on UK Vapors.  This seems to stem from an administrator who works for ECITA, a larger trade organization in the UK, posted some negative view points about a product he never tested.  From there, the gates opened.  Anyone who has been on a forum before knows how quickly this situation can get out of hand, with forum ‘trolls’ leaching and going wild. Personal slander went to a new level and goaded Jason into a fury.

Now, I can see both sides.  I believe in someones right to post what they feel is an honest assessment of a product, place or idea.  I believe that is healthy.  I also believe that the current state of forums that allow ‘Trolling’ or obviously base and crass remarks isn’t conductive to anyone.  Now, Jason merely said he was going to seek legal counsel.  UK Vapors, if UK laws are anywhere near US laws are, still have to be served notice of intent.  At which point they could have shut down, removed forum posts and what not.  If everyone jumped when someone said “I’m talking to my lawyers”, America would be shut down.

That isn’t what caught my attention.  It was the claim the ECITA may be using bullying to control the UK ecig market.  Foul play if you will.  Is this true?  I hope this plays out to its end, because that is some that I want more answers too.  If so, that may happen over on this side of the pond also.

Here is a great interview with Jason Cropper and Sam Chairman of ECCA, Electronic Cigarette Consumer Association.

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