Overall Review B
Presentation C
Delivery A
Quality A
Reliability A

Update:  I’ve been informed from readers that the PCC from Totally Wicked is no longer available.  Until it is, Dragonfly has them for sale as well with this link.

I purchased this PCC (Personal Charging Case) from  The Tornado PCC is great for charging your Tornado or Mega Tornado batteries (aka eGo 650 mAh, 900 mAh and 1000 mAh batteries).  They charge in about 3-4 hours and can recharge the 650 mAh about 3 times before running dry and the other 2 versions 2 times.  Considering the 650 mAh variety lasts me about a day to a day and a half, I can go several days without needing to recharge the PCC.Absolutely love it.  It’s one of the best purchases I’ve made.  It fits in my pocket (although it is a tight fit). and holds my extra batteries and extra cartomizers.  It hasn’t given me any issues and keeps charging my batteries like a trooper.

This PCC comes with the case itself, no batteries (just so you know), a USB charging cable and a free 10 ml 18 mg bottle of tobacco flavored e-liquid.