65% off Starter Kits From Eversmoke Till Nov 30th.

Find out about it at the new Sales and Promotional page, where I’ll be posting as many sales as I find out about.

The Review of the Finiti Rechargeable (Mini) Starter Kit is now up!

The review is finally done!  I’ve been working on this one for a looooong time.  Why you ask?  Click here and read all about it!

Find out how second hand vapor from ecigs may not be a danger!

Find out what new studies have discovered about the effects of e-cigs on the heart Here!

Firebrand Millennium Mega Starter Kit

The review on the Millennium Mega Starter kit is now finally up and active!  Read all about it by clicking here.Firebrand Millennium Mega Starter Kit

Grimm Green was asked this question, as have I been asked, and his answer… well, lets just say he summed up it for me.

from Andrey Zavyalov 

I recently was contacted by Andrey who was curious if I’d post an article he would send on possible benefits of ecigs at the workplace.  I was curious, so agreed.  After reviewing the article, I felt it was worth the read and wanted to put the question to the readers.  The following is the article that was submitted.  I found it intriguing that another possible benefit I never considered may just be the support of the management sector.

Benefits of E-Cigs at Work

Since its inception in 2003, electronic cigarettes have seen a steady rise in popularity. The concept is compelling and the results, though short term, are positive overall. One issue in particular has been a source of much debate and discussion. Should electronic cigarettes be allowed at work and if so, what are the benefits?

While companies certainly have a reason to have doubts about allowing the use of electronic cigarettes at work, there are realistic benefits that should be looked at as well.

Combating Withdrawal At Work

Through the use of an electronic cigarette, people working at the company who have already developed a smoking habit and a nicotine addiction can continue to smoke without taking on the risks of using a traditional cigarette.  Not smoking at all has its obvious benefits, but the point here is not to get people to stop smoking, but rather to be smart about smoking and to do so efficiently. This is important because those who are addicted to smoking and nicotine have decreased performance when they don’t get their frequent and daily dose of smoking. They experience withdrawal symptoms which can affect their ability to perform optimally at work. That being said, if there’s a way to maintain a clean work environment and satisfy smokers at the same time, then it should be seriously considered.

Here is a list of symptoms smokers can and/or will experience during withdrawal:

  • Cravings to smoke
  • Irritable, cranky
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums
  • Postnasal drip
  • Tightness in the chest



Any number of these symptoms can and will cause employees to lose focus and consequentially give sub par results at work. Also, withdrawal induced mood swings will reduce the effectiveness working with co-workers and put a strain work relationships.

How Much Smoking Is Costing the Company

Consider this: Smokers typically have to go outside and take smoke breaks frequently throughout the day and inevitably this takes time out of the day which will take away from productivity. To put things in perspective, let’s take a look at some numbers.

Three 15-minute smoking breaks a day cost employers 195 working hours a year for each worker (Express.Co.UK). If your company’s office hours are from 9 to 5, then that’s approximately 27 full days of worth of work wasted for smoke breaks. The company’s basically paying for 4 weeks’ worth of vacation to no end. In the long run that averages out to 8,677 hours in the average 44-year working lifetime which is nearly a whole year of working hours.

Are Electronic Cigarettes Worth It?

Some companies are afraid that if they allow electronic cigarettes at work, there will be an increase of smokers. Assuming we account for some that some non-smokers do start smoking, the tradeoff is having more smokers, but a huge leap in production. They had their entire life up to where they are now to choose not to smoke so often times, this will not be the case. If anything, electronic cigarettes promote a healthier and more productive work environment. Increased productivity, rising revenues, and a clean way to smoke: What’s not to like?


DFW Vapor is a local business that specializes in providing quality electronic cigarette products, e-liquids, accessories, and promotes the awareness of electronic cigarette safety and benefits.



Let me know your thoughts…

My review on the CIG2O Mini Kit is now up

Is this kit a waste of time or a secret e-cig mega creation waiting to take the e-cig market by storm?  Read the review and find out for yourself!

Is Totally Wicked taking on the UK forums?

I have read about a situation that, for lack of a better word, ‘Erupted’ when http://ukvapers.com/, a Uk vaping forum community, temporarily closed its does.  It closed due to a notice of possible legal action from Totally Wicked’s owner, Jason Cropper.  I’ve tried to sort out this story for a while.  Is it Jason vs. Goliath?  Is Jason Cropper picking a fight with the entire UK vaping community?  What’s going on??

This doesn’t seem to be the case.  It seems at some point, Jason was on the UK Vapors forum and was in a ‘debate’ with a few forum members and it got ugly.  The original argument stemmed from a video Jason posted on YouTube about the Thursday incident that closed down a major highway in the UK involving an Ecig.  Jason posted a YouTube video making fun of the incident, maybe not the best move in the hyper fear era we are in, but it got some negative personal remarks.  Then there is the issue with a certain Admin on UK Vapors.  This seems to stem from an administrator who works for ECITA, a larger trade organization in the UK, posted some negative view points about a product he never tested.  From there, the gates opened.  Anyone who has been on a forum before knows how quickly this situation can get out of hand, with forum ‘trolls’ leaching and going wild. Personal slander went to a new level and goaded Jason into a fury.

Now, I can see both sides.  I believe in someones right to post what they feel is an honest assessment of a product, place or idea.  I believe that is healthy.  I also believe that the current state of forums that allow ‘Trolling’ or obviously base and crass remarks isn’t conductive to anyone.  Now, Jason merely said he was going to seek legal counsel.  UK Vapors, if UK laws are anywhere near US laws are, still have to be served notice of intent.  At which point they could have shut down, removed forum posts and what not.  If everyone jumped when someone said “I’m talking to my lawyers”, America would be shut down.

That isn’t what caught my attention.  It was the claim the ECITA may be using bullying to control the UK ecig market.  Foul play if you will.  Is this true?  I hope this plays out to its end, because that is some that I want more answers too.  If so, that may happen over on this side of the pond also.

Here is a great interview with Jason Cropper and Sam Chairman of ECCA, Electronic Cigarette Consumer Association.  http://soundcloud.com/vp-live/totally-wicked-vs-the-world.

Green Smoke Finally Releases an Affordable Kit can Recommend to My Friends

Green smoke has received many complaints in the past about the price of their kits.  It’s a tough thing to explain to someone why Green Smokes kit is worth buying for 129.99, when mostly everyone else is at about 75 dollars.  On top of that it’s a KR808D-2 type thread, that’s not that widely used, it’s the new kid on the block.  Now, I’ve actually tried Green Smoke and I really do like their batteries and Menthol flavor.  The battery does last about the day of moderate vaping.  Moderate for me is about 1/2 to a pack a day smoker.  I do explain that they give 3 main extra pieces:  The pass through and car charger that just about totals up to the price and 10 cartridges, 5 more than normal, but not everyone needs those, so again, hard to prove.

Well, they are finally offering a Reasonably priced kit for 69.99.  This does not include the pass-through or car charger.  It comes with 2 batteries, one long-lasting, one that lasts about 3 hours or so.  It also comes with 5 cartomizers, a USB charger and a wall adapter.

Finally, a kit I can recommend to everyone so they can try to see that this long battery can keep them vaping with a real kick.  Check it out here, it’s hidden from the home page, I figure they did that to see if they should put it in their normal catalog, I hope they do.