Njoy Kings
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Throat Hit | ![]() |
Vapor | ![]() |
Njoy Kings Review
The Njoy Kings have exploded onto the market place. Now, I say exploded because of all of the buzz it created. “Revolutionary” is one term I heard. So, naturally, I wanted to know more.
I found these locally at the Hess gas stations around me, in a few of them to be honest. My local 7-eleven didn’t have these, they had the regular triangle shaped cases that come with the Njoy Disposables “Onejoy” which is not the same, trust me.
There is only one Njoy Kings per pack, despite how it appears. But, the case is like a plastic Zippo lid.
Pros and Cons:
- Pros:
- Great Flavor, Vapor and Throat hit
- Great carrying case
- Squishy “butt”
- Size and design
- Cons:
- Does not last 2 full packs of cigarettes
- 7:99 is a not great versus 1 pack.
Review Details
Presentation :
The presentation is really good. I like the flip box, reminds everyone that sees it of a Zippo Lighter. Very nice little logo and it’s easy enough to tell them apart.
The Njoy website is nice and easy to navigate, but they don’t actually sell them online, you have to go to your local stores to get them… at least for now.
*UPDATE* They ARE selling them online now at NJoy’s site. You can buy 3 for $26.97 which comes out to 8.99 a piece with free shipping. That’s a dollar more than if you buy them locally. If you can, I’d recommend you buy them locally and save the extra dollar.
Delivery :
No contest really for delivery, they are available locally. There is no greater speed than being able to go to a local store and picking one up. Unfortunately, you have to check to be sure, 7-eleven was listed as a selling store, but had none as of the time of this writing, at least for me. But Hess had them just fine.
Quality :
The quality is pretty good as well. The carrying case is pretty sturdy, not enough to survive a hammer, but held together for the periods I’ve used it.
The actual unit is where there are the most changes. The “butt” area, the one you puff on, has the biggest change; it’s squishy. It’s really easy to hold between your teeth. Feels close to a real analog cigarette. The light weight helps out a lot also. Plus the size is just about the size of a normal analog cigarette as well. The “lite” end even has some fine work done on it to really try to resemble a regular analog cigarette. Good work to help new people switch over easier.
Battery :
So I have praise and discord with the battery. First, it really is responsive, doesn’t lag, heats up quick to vaporize during the entire pull. Great job for such a small battery. But it doesn’t last. To say this is the equivalent of two packs of cigarettes is just misleading. There may be the same amount of NICOTINE as two packs, but this battery will never last as long as two packs of cigarettes. It’s about 85-90 puffs at my rate, which is a 3/4 of a pack a day smoker during my day. Those 85 puffs did last me one full day though and about an hour into the morning, just not 2.
Now to test this a colleague and I went at these in a calculated manner. We only puffed 5 puffs at a time (with their nicotine level, that was more than enough, more on that in a second). After ever five puffs we made a mark on the side of the container with a sharpie. For me, 85 exactly. For him, 90 and done. I’m still testing, but that just annoys me. I can see how they can get past it with the “Equals 2 packs of cigarettes”, because there is a lot of nicotine left when the battery goes (My colleague opened one up, still pretty moist on the filament) but this battery will not last 2 packs of cigarettes worth at all. So, that can be really misleading.
Flavor :
I’m a big fan of flavor, and menthol was my bread and butter back in the analog cigarette days. So, I am pleased to say their menthol is reall menthol in flavor. Great job there.
Here is a break down of the flavors and nicotine:
- Traditional:
- Gold (3.0% or 30ml of nicotine)
- Bold (4.5% or 45ml of nicotine)
- Menthol:
- Gold (3.0% or 30ml of nicotine)
- Bold (4.5% or 45ml of nicotine)
That’s… a lot of nicotine. But, the nicotine as it hits the tongue… reminds me of analogs! The biting hit on the tongue really is the bite of an analog cigarette. And 5 puffs really does do the job for me. Wow.
Throat Hit :
With these levels of nicotine, throat hit is really good. Really a bite in the back of the throat. Really happy with that.
Vapor :
Even with the little battery, the vapor is really good, no matter how slow or fast your draw. Good job here as well.
Over All :
Over all I like it. I’ve given some to work buds already and plan to point beginners that way… until they get some e-cig legs going, then it’s off to the kits or advanced VV mods. I just hope they modify their instructions… this will not last as long as 2 packs of cigarettes, but it does give a good one day vape.
I’m pretty new to vaping – I’ve tried the Blu and a cheap gas station disposable and was dissatisfied with the level of nicotine in both of them (I’m not a daily smoker, but I like to feel my hits). I recently got a free sample Njoy King and WOW! These are amazing e-cigs. I love the menthol flavor, realistic throat hit and the awesome 4.8% nicotine cartridges. I haven’t killed my Njoy in a few days of use yet, so I can’t complain about the battery life. I’ve noticed that, in addition to the realistic paper feel of this e-cig, it’s a lot lighter than the other models I’ve used. This may mean a smaller battery with shorter life, but I really appreciate the extra element of realism added by not having to hold a heavy battery when I smoke. Oh and did I mention the Zippo-style case? So cool! The King has officially made me a loyal Njoy customer from now on. :-)
Graham, I’m really happy you found your gold star ecig! Which ever keeps you off of regular cigarettes is the best ecig for you. I wish you a long, fruitful cigarette-less journey! Thanks for sharing Graham!
Im a pack a day smoker. this is the only e cig that I have ever used that I like. Problem is I would need to smoke 3 or 4 of these to get the same satisfaction as a full pack of Marlboro lights. Im going to try another pack of 5 to see if I just got a pack with weakened batterys
These are the first ecigs I tried and I’ve tried the Blu and Finiti since…but the amount of nicotine in these makes them so much better! However, like you said, the last barely a day. Is there a starter kit that comes close to touching these? Or are we just going to have to wait for the e cig companies to jump on board with the 4.5%?
Hi Jen. Well, to be honest, the other kits are really great, out side of Blu and Infiniti. Almost anything else gives a much better performance. V2 Cigs are still my best all-around kit to recommend, Flavor/Customer Service/Quality. I’d recommend trying them first to just see what else is out there and how a real 18 mg Nic level can taste before jumping head first into the waters. There is also Millennium. These guys have up to 24 mg of nic with a variety of flavors and batteries and have pretty good Quality and Flavor as well as good customer service. Now, if you feel your ready, these guys I haven’t even finished reviewing yet, but White Cloud, who use to be crazy expensive but have come to their senses, has nasty ridiculous nic levels. Their “Full” is 24 mg of nic. Their “Extra” is 36 mg and their “Double Xtra” or “XXtra” is 54 mg of nic… crazy! But, really. Try one of the other first… trust me, you… prob won’t need that much. I think Njoy King does because the battery can’t heat as high as the kits can so it needs more nic to give a better throat hit. But, I just prove you with options that will help you keep off those regular e-cigs. I hope one of these does just that.
Best of luck Jen! Keep up the great work, you can do it!
Lol, but sooooo not funny! I went to buy a 1.2% Disposible One Joy e-cig last night and firured out how to vape. I wake up this a.m. and go to vape my E-cig, but Noooo the tip starts blinking, and of course there is not one direction anywhere one the 3 sided package. So I spend hours online trying to find out whats up. And I find complants for a kind I dont even have, anyway it all boils down to I paid 7.99 for this thing and the blinking tip means the battery is dead!!!!! Really you cant return it, and when you call them you get an answering machine. But the most I got from that onejoy e-cig is maybe max. 3 smokes where is the other 37!?!?!?!?!?!?! To make matters worse I it expected it to work (silly me), and have to go 12hrs without a cig. now. So Always carry back up people!!!!!
I love the njoy bold smokes. However, they aren’t to be smoked like a regular cigarette. They honestly should be called nicotine-inhalers. LOL. If you smoke one like a regular cigarette, they will be done quickly and your bloodstream loaded with vitamin “N”. But if you smoke one as an inhaler, then one or two drags should curb your craving. With proper marketing, njoy would avoid complaints. But with current marketing, njoy is building a bunch of folks that are hooked on the amount of nicotine the njoy bolds have. I have gone through 100+ njoy bolds and a few other brands, but came back due to taste/hit. It may sound crazy, but the njoy’s I have are used at work (to hide smoking in only two hits) and I have a refillable that I use when drinking or at the house. PS. when the light starts blinking it is out of fluid, not battery. I have kept many njoys around before shipping them back and they after a day or two, all of them give another 2 hits with vapor. After that, they are dead, but have enough battery to light up and blink without vapor aftewards. I think the “sock” that has the vapor is out. Store them horizontally and you can get two more hits off them.
If you write to Njoy (cs@njoy.com), they are quick to respond and also replace.
I. like the author, use a marker on the Zippo package, and have never really gotten 2 packs work. The closest I came was the other day when I bought KRAVE and they had the little poly topper. They are not as good as Njoy, but I was so frustrated and spending more time marking on the cigs and the zippo package than actually smoking., I decided to see if maybe KRAVE was better. It’s not. The package is paper and the 2 you get for (.99$ isn’t really equal to one good Njoy.
So, this is what I did.
I took the KRAVE poly top and put it over an Njoy and everytime I took a puff, I replaced it with the poly topper from the Kraves (2 for 9.99$..but, .nowhere near as good as Njoy))
For the first time, I actually got 61 GOOD deep puffs out of the red NJoy.
Then I lost one topper and went and bought a package of 2 KRAVES just for the toppers to be put on the Njoy.
I believe the vapor escapes through the top.
I even tried gluing the poly topper to the NJOY lid, .(so everytime I took a puff, I didn’t have to replace the topper on top of the NJOY. Unfortunately I must have used the wrong glue.
At first, it is difficult to close the top of the Njoy with the topper. But, now t is easier and just keep an eye on the topper. It sometimes gets stuck, lost, etc.
But, I haven’t had a DUD or DUDETTE wit the NJoys since.
Of course, it is only 2 days, but I managed somehow to make an Njoy last one whole day of good deep puffs.
To me, the most frustrating part of it is when the vapor is there but NOT, if you get what I mean. No good puff in and not good on the exhale. You have to inhale like a crack addict.
Peace to you and the original critiquer of these amazing (or could be) e-cigs…
Njoy is the .closest thing to the REAL thing without the smell, stench, bad breathe, clothes, etc) that goes along with smoking.
Not to mention the COPD/Emph…
I smoked for 45 years and stopped 4.5 years ago. If I had had NJoy then, I wouldn’t have gained so much weight (which I am now losing, thanks to Njoy)..
The other e-cigs (Mystic/V2) are like smoking a ballpoint pen. So hard albeit tasty with their assortment of flavors. Nothing like a cig and does nothing for me as I am extremely oral.
Might as well be sticking a straw in your mouth.
Peace to you,
I received the Njoy king free sample and thought to myself “if these only lasted longer than 3 hours they would be a real e cig find”. Everything was great accept the battery life. I don’t know if it only lasted that long because it was a free sample or what, but if the ones they sell for 7.99 in the stores are the same, that would be like spending 8 bucks for less than half a pack of cigarettes! That would be outrageously expensive! I’ll stick with my westside vapor e cig I get 5 cartos for 10.00 and one carto lasts me 2 days.
I have been using njoy king bold for 15 weeks now. I have sent in to the recycle program 72 to recycle. Broke them down to packs of eight with recycle slip for each 8 that was four weeks ago have not recieved any back. I am wondering now if this isn’t another way for the company to get over on people. They claim to last 2 packs they clearly last if one if lucky and now they have their product back to recycle and I didn’t recieve any back like they claim to do. But they were very quick to send me my free sample that I paid 2.99 to ship! Just wondering if I should start looking for a new brand.
Well, first I’m glad you enjoy the ecig experience so far Mary. Second, if you want a cheaper experience then yes, I recommend getting a Starter kit like from V2 Cigs. Once your past this, you can progress onto ego’s and tanks. I hope you continue your journey into ecigs and stay off regular cigarettes!
I did the same, there was a delay in a past shipping and they sent out another batch. I got both in the mail, a double of what I turned in. Njoy offered the best customer service I could expect. Try it. Don’t forget that what you are shipping must look like a bomb when xray’d at the post office. That was the delay on one of my orders. But then the post office learned and orders since then have been on time. Njoy is a no questions asked, customer satisfaction based company in my experience.
Costco had 10 Njoy cigs for $51 last weekend.
I recently tried e cigs as an alternative to smoking. I was really disappointed with everything I found until today when I tried the NJOY King. What I like about this e cig is the throat hit. It feels like a cigarette, and this is essential to me. I also like the size and weight. They are so similar to cigarettes. I would like to purchase a rechargeable kit because these disposables are too expensive for long term use. Can you recommend a kit with a similar strong throat hit? Size and weight are secondary concerns. I really need the throat hit in order to feel satisfied. Any help would be appreciated.
Hello Amy,
I’m glad you found something that seized your interest. E-cigs are just amazing for smokers but if the smokers don’t become captivated by them, there really will be issues. So, the Njoy King is the disposable I recommend to new e-cig users coming from regular cigs. But, the price point… leaves much to be desired. Since you really love the throat hit of this guy, I’m going to bypass my normal recommendations and point you to a company I was avoiding a few years ago. Now, the reason I’m recommending these guys to you is because the NJoy King has 5.4% Nic level… the regular kits I recommend have 1.8% to 2.4% nic level. This is important because the nic level increases the throat hit a lot. White Cloud’s kits are well priced (now anyway) as well as their refillable cartridges. I recommend getting their disposables (the 10 pack is just a great price point) and find out if they are right for you.
They have changed their tune a lot, which is why I tried their disposables. To be honest their disposables in bulk are the cheapest I’ve found on the net, 10 for 29.95 (2.95 a piece is just… ridiculously good). A few years ago, this company had the most expensive kits on the market… by a Long shot. The reason they gave was because their Cirrus 3 batteries were suppose to last all day. Because of it’s ridiculous price I never bought their kit and forgot about them… until now. Their kit has finally dropped in price in the last few months, and they caught my eye again. I bought their disposables and still need to post my review, it’s been really crazy for me so I’ve fallen behind on reviews (Big things coming, stay tuned). They are really good. Not as good as Njoy King’s, but wow, what a whallop for throat hit, and decent flavor. Worth recommending.
I hope this helps out Amy and feel free to drop me a line if you need more assistance. Lets see if we can help you keep those regular cigs away and Vape on.
Thanks for the help. I will give them a try.
I smoke Marlboro Ultra Lights. I’ve been researching e cigs. Since my addiction is more psychological than physical, I think Njoy will most closely replicate the feel of actual smoking. My question is nicotine content. It seems like 3.5 is much higher than the Marlboro Ultra Lights I smoke, which have .5 per cigarette. Am I calculating this wrong?
Nora, you pretty much have the figures right. But, what these numbers don’t take into account is how much nicotine actually goes into the bloodstream. Cigarettes use all of thus odd chemicals to help cigarettes push a HUGE amount of nicotine into the bloodstream with each pull. This is not true with e-cigs. E-cigs push the same amount of nicotine in the bloodstream, consistent, but this also means you don’t get the same rush from the same amount of nicotine. It takes longer to get that same nic level if you use the same nic level in e-liquid.
This is why, I believe, Njoy pushed up the Nic level. After that study came out, these high level nic products became more popular.
So, that is the why. As to if it works for you… I’ll leave that choice up to you. Vape on Nora!
i have purchased njoy cigs twice——-not to keep from smoking-i like to smoke——-ONLY to keep loved ones from my smoking———a recent outing of just 2-3 hours (driving in a car) the njoy lasted about an hour total——that’s not from repetitive smoking either——–so for whatever reason you buy this product———$7.00-$8.00 is a ripoff—–i will never buy this product again—–nor any ecigs which are equally just as bad don’t last —-just another gimick—–for US THE CONSUMERS to waste our money on a worthless product that will probably be found out to be harmful to our health————-at least smoking cigarettes-you know what you are getting and they are cheaper———DON”T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON NJOY!!!!!!!!!
Hello Harry,
I understand your frustration and I believe you had to have received a defective unit. While I agree this product is NOT equal to 2 packs of cigarettes, I do not agree with the assessment that these may be more harmful than regular cigarettes. Unlike regular cigarettes that contain over 4000 individual components, e-cigs generally contain around 5: Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, Nicotine and artificial flavoring all of which are FDA approved. Now I agree e-cigs are not as healthy as not smoking at all, I cannot agree that taking in these 5 elements are more harmful than that 800 known cancer causing carcinogens that are in cigarettes. Now your Njoy I believe was defective because of one issue these disposables have… they sit on the shelf a long time and no battery lasts forever. They need better quality control on their products shelf life.
E-cigs are just amazing for smokers but if the smokers don’t become captivated by them, there really will be issues. So, the Njoy King is the disposable I recommend to new e-cig users coming from regular cigs (When they work properly of course). But, the price point… leaves much to be desired. Since you really love the throat hit of this guy, I’m going to bypass my normal recommendations and point you to a company I was avoiding a few years ago. Now, the reason I’m recommending these guys to you is because the NJoy King has 5.4% Nic level… the regular kits I recommend have 1.8% to 2.4% nic level. This is important because the nic level increases the throat hit a lot. White Cloud’s kits are well priced (now anyway) as well as their refillable cartridges. I recommend getting their disposables (the 10 pack is just a great price point) and find out if they are right for you.
They have changed their tune a lot, which is why I tried their disposables. To be honest their disposables in bulk are the cheapest I’ve found on the net, 10 for 29.95 (2.95 a piece is just… ridiculously good). A few years ago, this company had the most expensive kits on the market… by a Long shot. The reason they gave was because their Cirrus 3 batteries were suppose to last all day. Because of it’s ridiculous price I never bought their kit and forgot about them… until now. Their kit has finally dropped in price in the last few months, and they caught my eye again. I bought their disposables and still need to post my review, it’s been really crazy for me so I’ve fallen behind on reviews (Big things coming, stay tuned). They are really good. Not as good as Njoy King’s, but wow, what a whallop for throat hit, and decent flavor. Worth recommending.
I hope this helps out Amy and feel free to drop me a line if you need more assistance. Lets see if we can help you keep those regular cigs away and Vape on.
pros……..Great cig. light weight great taste.
cons…… cost to high and not sure it even last 3/4 of a pack. more like 1/2 pack.
until the battery last for two packs it is not wotrh the money. blu cost about 2 dollars more but last 3 times as long.
Totally ripped off. Lasted less than a day and it died. Definitely not worth the 7.99. I only purchased because my Neo rechargables were late in arriving. Do not waste your money on this crap. So not worth it.
Wanted to say thank you for the great review! After reading it I ordered some of the NJoy KIng Bold Menthols. The kings are the most realistic smoking experience I’ve come across so far. I did not experience the battery issues discussed by others. Each of my kings lasted 4-5 days. Surprisingly though I found the throat hit to be kinda harsh compared to the actual Camel Menthols I smoked. Since I only smoked 3-4 cigs a day I may try the lower nicotine level next time, maybe that would be nicer to my throat. Then again, come to think of it, maybe the harshness prolonged the batteries since I was unable to take rapid or lengthy pulls. :-) Either way, I’m glad to see the prices have come down, Wal Mart now sells these for around 6 bucks, and a five-pack is available on Njoy’s website for 29.99.
DebC, thanks for the post! I’m always glad to hear when someone finds even part of what I say useful. :D And for the pricing info as well, I’m sure loads of people will find that useful as well.
Here’s hoping for a long, regular cigarette free journey for you my friend! Vape Strong!
The first ecig I tried was safe cig, and now their out of business. Trying to quit smoking for my daughter. I don’t take hard hits, and I smoke ultra lights. I’m looking for a ecig that is satisfying, but not so harsh on the back of my throat. Can you please reccomend an ecig that fits my preference without killing my bank account. Thank you
Hi Helen,
Sure I can recommend a couple. The one that closely matches your needs is Bull Smoke. The kit is only $29.99, decent flavor, 2 batteries and 10 cartridges. Not super big on throat hit, which is why I rarely recommend them to the vapors looking for a real good throat hit. The others are around $54.99 really. Take a look around at the kits, but I’m sure Bull Smoke will take care of you, they are decent people. Nice customer service as well, the helped me out with an order.
I hope that helps Helen! I do hope you find something that can help you off of those regular cigarettes, not just for your daughters sake, but for your own. Vape Strong Helen!
So disgusted with this product an I I used E-Cigarettes for 3years. I purchased a disposable last night at10:00 PM and went to bed at 10:30. When I got up I took 2 puffs and then waited for my coffee to take 2 more and it was DONE!!!! I cannot believe I wasted my money because I could have got Blu or Logic but I don’t like either one so I thought I would get this one….Big Mistake I honestly thought it was a defect but after reading some reviews!! Do Not buy this product it is a complete waste if money 10 small puffs for $10:00 is NOT. A good deal. Thank God my Magic Mist cartridges will be delivered today!!!!!
I have tried the NJOY Menthol disposable twice and was not satisfied with the flavor at all. I think the Blu disposable beats NJOY on flavor and equivalent on all other categories.
Thanks for the review of the NJOY. I’m new to e-cigs. I tried the Blue, and the kit batteries burned out before I finished the cartridges. I tried the NJOY and it didn’t last very long. Then I read your reviews, went to your web site on my laptop instead of my phone, and learned even more. I’ll try White Cloud, then I will go back to your site if I don’t like it and read more.
Thanks for doing the research for me.
I’ve tried and tried and tried to use these. They are BY FAR the best experience but they SUCK in terms of length of use. I’ve NEVER had one last more than a day and I don’t smoke more that 5 cigs a day. The most disappointing product I’ve ever used. The package says “equivalent to two packs,” THAT IS PREPOSTEROUS! I’ve even contacted them, they sent me replacements and they still do not last more than 1/2 a day. What a shame, I love the way the taste and feel, the closest thing to a real cig but the worst at reliability.
This is siriousely £5.99 for less than 1 day usage? :/ I had one got it at 12:00 and It stopped working at 18:00
I bought this njoy king bold after a frustrating evening on the metro and thought I’d give it a shot. In less than 3 hours the tip was blinking. I don’t feel I even took 85 or 90 drags from it and I am extremely disappointed in the purchase, I’m not a heavy smoker and this lasted less than half a day. How does one go about refilling them? Js it worth it at all?
These are a RIP OFF. I purchase a pack of five. Each cig only lasted a few puffs until the light at the tip started blinking ~ JUNK.
I bought these before & i thought that they were one of the closest in terms of how ‘real’ they came across. But I bought one today & something is wrong. No strength.Just a burnt paper flavour. i really think its a fake. So i’m just warning people that there could be fakes doing the rounds.
I am extremely disappointed with how long the Njoy lasts! For me, it isn’t anywhere close to even 1 pack of analog cigs. It really only lasted a couple of hours and, dead. Flashes and, NO vapor! I fully intend to contact the manufacturer as I feel perhaps I got a defect or something. I would call it a rip off. Based solely on how long it lasts. VERY DISAPPOINTED
Wont buy them again. NJoy really has real bad quality issues with the Battery – dead very quickly.
2 packs? more like 3 smokes, doesn’t even last as long as a single pack of Black and Tans.
If they fix them – make them last a good deal longer – you should get a few days worth out of them, maybe they would be good. They need to double the life – at least. They want $8 each – kinda steep.
But to me they are a hollywood prop – all mirrors & flashy lights – and no smoke !
So i don’t know how it is elsewhere. But in Vegas right now at 7-11 theyre BOGO on the $7-8 single Ecig & WTF. i opened it, started smoking one, & was so upset i went to look up reviews because it literally could barely hit at all. Nearly no vapor. Worst thing ever . Died in one day too. Then i open the other one. & hit it & bam got a good full hit. & ive noticed the maximum time it stays glowing isnt even. Half of what it was before. Makes no sense.
I have smoked for 20 yrs Marlboro reds and have smoked harsh cigarettes from all over the world and these are the best i have ever tried. I am going to try and just somke these and try to be healthier.
Thanks Njoy
I have contacted njoy 2 different times 1) I burnt my lip on the filter of one catridge and 2) I have 3 batteries that won’t screw in for charging and I am on Social Security and it really hurts the budget but these guys just won’t respond to help me out if they ever do I will post again but I don’t look for any response so if I don’t hear something soon I will be forced to spend more money on another type How Sad That They Won’t Back Up Their Product
I have Emailed these guys twice and they won’t respond 1) I burned my lip on a filter and 20 I have 3 batteries that won’t fit in the charger I am on Social Security and money is important but these guys won’t respond if they don’t back up their product soon I will be forced to find something else but I’m losinf faith in njoy
I have been seeing this brand everywhere and tried the menthol gold two days ago. I liked the little flip pack it came in, and am a fan of the miniature construction. The throat hit is minimal for such an effective strength, and the refreshing flavor almost rivals my refillable vaporizer’s juice. The draw was pretty tough, but I was willing to overlook that.
My issue is that it stopped working after about 30 drags (about a night’s worth of vaping for me). I’m used to getting several full days out of a disposable, around 3 for one of similar size and price. I thought it may have been defective and bought another today. I got less than 10 puffs, only about 3-5 good ones, before it stopped working. Either I’m extremely unlucky or this is a very unreliable brand. Even if these are only meant to last a short time, you aren’t getting much value for the price.
I just posted my review and had the same issue with the non menthol gold. It stopped working after 30 or so puffs. I got it for $1 at a Royal Farms so I went back and grabbed ten more. I bought 5 golds and 5 bolds but my gold from the previous night failed as I was sitting in my car so I went in and swapped out the golds I’d just bought for bold. I haven’t had this problem with the bold. I don’t know what happened with yours but mine stopped producing any vapor. It still gets hot and lights but nothing inhaling unless I puff it 5 or 6 times than I get a tiny hit. Definitely avoiding the golds. I don’t think I’d spend $6 on these but for $1 it was a great deal.
Got an NJoy king today. And I got to say it was a complete waste of money. Although the presentation is awesome, I can’t get a single good hit out of it. Every hit is weak and just tastes burnt out and disgusting. Can tell they’re very cheaply made. Never buying again in the near future until they actually make a quality working one. Very disappointed
Was it a gold? I had the same issues with the golds. The golds are fantastic, in my experience.
Sorry, the bolds* are fantastic.
Quit smoking almost 7 months ago, and njoy gets me thru every irresistible craving. Still not back to the real thing, and happy whether I get a “dud” (low battery/ mouth hit) or a strong ecig. I also recommended enjoy to a friend who quit, and she’s used them too.
I own the Itaste MVP vape starter kit so really had no use for disposable e-cigs. I did pick up two of their e-juices on a whim and they are fantastic, despite not coming in 0 nicotine. Anyway, I popped in my local Royal Farms last night and they were selling the Njoy Kings for $1. I had no idea they were the disposable Cigs until the clerk told me. I bought a couple of the gold light ones because you can’t beat $1! I definitely liked it. These HAVE A Flav OR To then that I really love, reminds me of the first e cig I bought more than 5 years ago. I didn’t however like the weak vapor “cloud” that comes with the exhale. It’s almost invisible. Also there is NO throat hot on the golds. I Smoke Malboro lights so it’s not that I’m not accustomed to the lights. There just is absolutely NO hit. I went back this morning and got ten of them, still for $1 and picked up both the gold and bold packs. The bold in comparison to the gold is fantastic. A realistic cloud and great throat hit. I ended up taking back four of the five gold backs and they let me swap them out for the bold. Another complaint I have is the gold I bought last night and used for a couple hours has stopped working. The light still lights up, it doesn’t blink, but now there is nothing being inhaled or exhaled. If I puff on it about 5 or 6 times, strong pulls, I finally get a small puff. I barley uses the cig there is no reason it should be acting that way. The bold cig I opened this morning and have been using all day is still working fine. Maybe it’s an issue with the golds? Regardless I spent $1 so I’m not upset. I Wouldn’t Spend $6 for one of these but for $1 it’s fantastic.
The Njoy King non-reusable e-cigs are crap. I bought two 5-packs and only got two or three halfway-decent puffs off of each of them before they petered off to nothing. Fortunately, I bought them at Walgreens who gave me a full refund. Besides being over-priced, what few puffs I was able to get were not very good. I don’t know how this reviewer gave them such good marks, unless Njoy paid for a good review.
I don’t get paid by product manufacturers to post a review. This product I purchased from a gas station as I mentioned.
I did give my personal experience with the NJoy units I used and gave the reduced rating in the “Battery category” of my review.
I have been using ecigs for two years because I like the habit of smoking without all the other bad stuff like the tar ect… In the ecig. I do have the nicotine 2.4 in the current ecig I am using. I recently purchased a starter pack of the NJoy and love the flavor but very very disappointed with battery like. My current ecig battery last a full 8 hours compared to a little less than 2 hours with NJoy. When I first tried the NJoy I thought I would change from my current Ecig (which I am happy with the flavor as well) but after the battery life of NJoy I will stay with my current ecig. I will admit that the NJoy flavor was a bit closer to the real flavor of smoking. I purchased two batteries so I know they both could not be defective. I would switch in a minute if NJoy could up their battery life
love the flavor of NJoy but battery life sucks so staying with my current Ecig which battery last 6-8 hours. I enjoy the smoking without the smell of tobacco and all the bad stuff like tar ect… Currently and have been using top third ecig on market which I also enjoy its flavor but will not switch to NJoy until they have a longer lasting battery
Gold is better but it still has too much nicotine …need to make one with half the nicotine…it’d be perfect…gold is better than red but still too harsh…again make a disposable ultra light. If this existed I’d quit smoking real cigs.