For the week ending in 2/7, our weekly winner is:
Congratulations Andrew!
V2 And Ecig Critic
V2 Cigs Weekly Give Away!
V2 Cigs reached out to me a little while ago about a promotion for my readers. This is a chance for all of you who are thinking about quitting smoking or wanting to help a family member or friend quit smoking to have receive a great introductory kit. Every week on Friday we will have a drawing where one lucky winner will win a V2 Cigs Ultimate Kit!
The big question on everyone’s mind is: What happened to Safecig? They were one of the products on my “To Do” list. I heard from some readers who asked me the same question. I tried to contact them again… nothing. The site is down. I really hope they pull through, a lot of people had great things to say about them. As I find info, I’ll be sure to post. But, those batteries don’t have to go to waste. For all present Safecig users, you can get an adapter! That way you don’t have to buy a whole new kit.
NEWS UPDATE: So, it looks like SafeCig has joined up with some partners in a new deal, at least according to this article: Read it here.
NEW NEWS UPDATE: Per comment listed below from a claimed “Former SafeCig Employer”, this article (http://mr-cameron-keep-your-word.tumblr.com/post/44586548019/theft-and-robbery) sheds a gloomy light over the SafeCig issue. It is a very said tale that is worth the read. If there is anything we, the people that believe in this document, can do, I hope those avenues become available soon.
The allegations listed here are quoted as being from one of the original owners of SafeCig, Rob Deak. It’s a tale of betrayal and deceit from someone they trusted, so the story says. Give a read, and you decide.
I was just on thevapebabe.com‘s site and watched, we more like listened to, the speech by Bill Godshall, founder and Director of Smoke-Free Pennsylvania.
The comment she made about it was:
People like this make me smile! We all have to do our part to protect what is rightfully ours as a safer alternative to analog cigarettes!!!
So, naturally I was curious. And I listened to him. This guy is dead on. He has his facts, he knows the regulations. He was very passionate about this subject he knows so much about, harm reduction from tobacco cigarettes. He let the panel ask questions and he responded with facts, dates, studies… everything but the kitchen sink. I loved it as well. So much so that I’m reposting the video also so even more people can witness… Bill Godshall.
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope it’s filled with love, health and wonderful memories!
VPLive, which post an update every Wednesday at about 9:30pm EST, hosted a show on December 19 and they had Linc Williams, aka BaldGroove, Director of We Are Vapors and a member of AEMSA spoke about his testimony in front of the FDA panel on tobacco harm reduction. It was a very passionate speech about his trails and tribulations on the road away from regular cigarettes. I urge all vapors to watch and keep your ears open because things could be moving in the government concerning ecigs.
I started the video at the point of the interview, but I recommend watching the entire video, they are always very informative.
Grimm Green was asked this question, as have I been asked, and his answer… well, lets just say he summed up it for me.
During the recent Tobacco Merchants Association 97th Annual Meeting, Ecig Advanced was able to interview the CEO of Lorillard (makers of the number 2 selling cigarette in america Newport) Murray Kessler to discuss the acquisition of Blu cigs, the number one selling ecig manufacturer in america. Ecig advanced posted the video of their interview as well as their viewpoints on the Annual Meeting itself.
What I found interesting about the video is Kessler was very optimistic. His statements were very telling of the worries of the ecig community and his outlook on ecigs in general was very open and seemed genuine. His statements did not seem purposely obscure or misleading. Some of the points he addressed was reaffirming the public view on ecigs and to Lorillards commitment to ecigs growth. I was impressed not only wth the amount of research they did before the purchase (That seems to be a given with big companies) but how involved he was personally. His knowledge of the industrys growth and marketing power helped my conspiracy radar pull back to “hopefully optimistic”.
Kessler also mentioned a point I was hopeful about. The fact that the tobacco industry has worked with the FDA in so many cases, they can help ecigs bypass the legislature re-tape a new product can get lost in like ecigs. He also mentioned what the ecig community has watched closely; the “knee jerk reactions” from state legislators. Kessler would like to help educate the law making bodies on ecigs using the vast knowledge that has been accumulated by Lorillard and Kessler to guide ecigs in this murky water.
Plus, Kessler actually sounded excited about the future of ecigs, about making them available everywhere and about how they have already committed to promoting Blu heavily so it is accessible to those that want them where they want them.
Here is an actual video from the company White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes where they torture E-Cigs and see if they explode. Warning, do not try this at home. Any of it, really.
The new site configuration is now live!
Check out the new site design and stay tuned for even more updates. Over the next few weeks several new layouts will take place as well as formats.